Custom Color Mixes

See a color swirl you want to customize? We can do it! Working alongside you, our team will make the perfect match! Drop us a line and let us know

The Boiler Room – December 2023

Welcome to Furnace Record Pressing’s inaugural edition of The Boiler Room! We’ve sent an e-newsletter here and there in the past, but this time we’re going to stick to it

The Making of Thievery Corporation “Symphonik” Case Wrapped Jacket

Check out this behind-the-scene video of our friends at Stoughton Printing working their magic to bring to life Thievery Corporation’s “Old-School” Case Wrapped Jacket for Symphonik.

New Year, New Effects

Check out Furnace’s newest effect offerings! Welcome to the club, Black Dust, Color Melts, Smoke, & Glitter. Black Dust Seagulls at the beach, bats, the Dementors from Harry Potter…our newest

In The News: Eric on Independent Minded

Eric sat down with Ron Scalzo for his podcast Independent Minded, and boy, what a podcast it was. Highlights include: The history of Furnace, 23 years on Eric describing why vinyl
